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The benefits of choosing a collaborative divorce

On Behalf of | Apr 21, 2021 | Divorce |

For divorcing couples seeking to avoid litigation and further acrimony, the collaborative divorce process represents an alternative scenario that saves on time, money, energy and hard feelings. Each spouse has a major stake in the negotiations and settlement as collaborative divorce encourages cooperation while avoiding confrontation.

This problem-solving approach includes an open and honest discussion as couples seek an agreeable resolution without having to go to court. It may be considered an option that falls in between litigation and mediation. Couples must be committed to working together. In doing so, they will have a firmer control over the divorce outcome. Negotiation discussions can address typical concerns such as parenting plans, time-sharing, child support, division of assets and spousal support.

Saves time, money and energy

In choosing the collaborative divorce route, each person must retain an attorney. In addition, those attorneys must be collaboratively trained. Some of the benefits of collaborative divorce include:

  • Saves a great amount of time as you direct the discussions.
  • Costs much less than a typical divorce.
  • Involves informal and honest discussions, leading to the likelihood of a more open exchange.
  • Allows you to negotiate and collaborate en route to resolution.
  • Represents a more private process, providing a better comfort level.
  • Provides a solid opportunity toward reaching a compromise.

Focus on having an honest discussion. The two of you understand that your marriage no longer works and must come to an end. You can end things on a relatively high note. Through collaborative divorce, couples gain better control of a divorce settlement. And they are not in a legal fight to win.

