Honesty. Respect. Fairness. Strong Advocacy.

Knowledgeable Collaborative Law Divorce Attorney In Brevard County

If you’re thinking about getting a divorce, you’re likely considering all the options. You may have heard about collaborative divorce – an alternative route to the divorce process. If you and your spouse are interested in avoiding court and finding a resolution yourselves, then this avenue may be the right one for you.

At Lesley Turmelle Abbott, P.A., Ms. Abbott has more than 20 years of experience in handling all sorts of divorce cases. Her knowledge and insight into collaborative divorce gives her the necessary skills to help you resolve your case in an efficient and positive manner.

How Does Collaborative Divorce Work?

The key point of a collaborative divorce is a formal agreement not to litigate. This allows you and your spouse – and each of your attorneys – to cooperate and work together to find answers to common divorce issues that you can agree on. If either you or your spouse decides to back out from this process and go to court instead, then you must both hire new legal counsel. Collaborative lawyers cannot represent you in a contested divorce proceeding.

Collaborative divorce typically involves the assistance of neutral professionals – financial advisors, communication specialists and parenting coordinators – to guide and assist you toward resolution and a favorable settlement agreement. Ms. Abbott will support you through the steps as your collaborative lawyer to ensure you stay focused on the issues that matter while minimizing disputes.

Benefits Of A Florida Collaborative Divorce

If you and your spouse are having trouble agreeing to all the terms of your divorce but don’t want to deal with litigation, then collaborative divorce may offer you a solution. This process allows you to negotiate and work out the details of your divorce without leaving it all up to a judge.

Common benefits of collaborative divorce include:

  • Avoiding court
  • Saving time
  • Confidentiality
  • More efficient than litigation
  • More control over every decision
  • Promotes communication and cooperation

Divorce is a long and expensive process. If you’re willing and able to cooperate with your spouse through collaboration, then this alternative method may help you achieve a favorable outcome more quickly.

Ms. Abbott is trained in the collaborative law process and encourages this method when both parties are able to commit to the steps. She can help answer your questions and guide you along the way toward a positive resolution.

Start Your Satellite Beach Collaborative Divorce Today

If this process sounds like a good option for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to Ms. Abbott today to get started. She will provide you with the necessary information to begin your collaborative divorce journey and see if it’s the right fit for you.

Call today at 321-966-4375 or submit an email through the online form at your convenience.